Covid-19 pandemic is our reality for more than one year now. Although it looks like a never-ending nightmare, the emergence of vaccines gave us all some hope. The key is in mass vaccination and all relevant world healthcare institutions have no doubt about that.
Mass vaccination in Serbia started in January 2021. So far, around 2,5 million of people received the first dose and more than 1 million got the second one as well. If we know that the population in Serbia is just below 7 million people, these numbers sound inspiring.
The good news is that authorities in Serbia have decided to make the vaccine available for foreign residents as well. Already in February 2021 people who are not Serbian residents could apply for their shot.
In the following lines, we will explain the application procedure for foreign citizens. We hope that this article will help you get your dose of the COVID 19 vaccine in Serbia.
Information First!
The COVID-19 vaccines available in Serbia come from several different producers. All listed vaccines are registered by the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia. So if you decide to come to Serbia for immunization purpose, note that the following vaccines are available:
Pfizer -Biontech
Sputnik V
Astra Zeneca
Application procedure for Covid 19 vaccine in Serbia
The vaccination applying procedure is the same both for Serbian and foreign residents. All people have to apply through an online system (AI).
First, you need to click on the link Once you do that, the following screen will show up. This is the step in which you ‘’show the interest to get the vaccine’’, by filling out the requested form.
There is one aggravating circumstance though. The form is in Serbian Cyrillic only, no English version available. With this article, we intend to help you go through this process easier.
The form contains your personal data such as first and last name, passport number, the location in Serbia where you want to receive the vaccine but also a few questions about your health status and the choice of the vaccine. Yes, you have read well - you can really choose the vaccine you want to get.
It can be one or two or you can mark all of them if you really don’t care about the type of vaccine and the producer. It’s up to you.
So let’s get started with application steps
First, you need to declare yourself, there are three categories in drop-down menu who can apply ( to make it easier for you, categories are written first in Serbian Cyrillic the same you will find in the form and then in English) :
Држвљанин Републике Србије - Resident of Republic Of Serbia
Страни држављанин са боравком у РС - Foreign Resident with temporary residence permit in RS
Страни држављанин без боравка у РС - Foreign Resident without temporary residence permit in RS
If you don’t work nor live at least temporary in Serbia but you want to come to Serbia only to get the vaccine, you should choose the third option
Страни држављанин без боравка у РС - Foreign Resident without temporary residence permit in RS
The next line is about your personal number like ID number - JМБГ. Here you should put your passport number.
After you put your passport number, the next two lines are about your first and last name
Име - First name
Презиме - Last name
Адреса електорнске поште - Your e-mail address
Број мобилног телефона - The mobile number. But you cannot put your own number as the system requires a Serbian number only. The number should be written without country code and no space between digits. For example, if you the number is +381 65 123 4567, you should write 0651234567
Број фиксног телефона - The land-line phone number. This information is not necessary so you just skip it.
Одаберите локацију где желите да примите вакцину - Here you have a drop-down menu in which you can choose the exact location where you want to receive the vaccine. For most of the foreign guests, the most suitable location is Belgrade, the capital of Serbia but for a great number of people from neighboring countries, this is the chance to pick some location near the border so they can travel less from their homes.
Исказујем интересовање да примим било који тип вакцине за који Агенција за лекове и медицинска средства потврди безбедност, ефикасност и квалитет и изда дозволу за употребу лека. - If you click on this you show the interest to receive any vaccine available and registered by Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia
Исказујем интересовање да примим искључиво вакцину одређених произвођача за који Агенција за лекове и медицинска средства потврди безбедност, ефикасност и квалитет и изда дозволу за употребу лека. - if you click on this option, it means that system will allow you to choose one or more type of vaccine. The drop down menu will offer you vaccines :
Pfizer -Biontech
Sputnik V
Да ли имате неко од специфичних обољења? - Do you have some specific health conditions? Reply with :
Не - no
Да - yes
If you click ДА ( YES), several new fields will show. You should choose one or more health conditions you have
Малигна обољења - Malignant diseases
Хорнична обољења срца и крвних судова - Chronic heart and blood vessels diseases
Хронична бубрежна обољења и дијализа - Chronic kidney disease and dialysis
Хронична обољења јетре - Chronic liver disease
Хронична обољења плућа - Chronic lung disease
Дијабетес - Diabetes
Стање имуносупресије укључујући и трансплантације органа - Immunosuppressive status including organ transplants
Неуролошка обољења укључујићи цереброваскуларна обољења -Neurological diseases including cerebrovascular diseases
Гојазност ( BMI > 40 кг/ м2)- Obesity (BMI> 40 kg / m2)
Да ли због здравствених проблема не можете да излазите из куће/стана? - Do your health conditions/ diseases prevents you from leaving your home
Не, немам таквих здравствених проблема - No, I don’t have that kind of health conditions
Да, не могу да излазим из куће/стана - Yes, I cannot go outside
Да ли сте добровољни давалац крви? - Are you a voluntarily blood donor?
Не - No
Да- Yes
* Приликом доласка у заказан термин вакцинације потребно је да донесете доказ да сте добровољни давалац крви.
*If you are a voluntary blood donor you should get some document that proves that. This is for Serbian residents.
Да ли можете доћи у било којем термину који закаже еУправа? - Are you able to come at any time scheduled by EUPRAVA ( government on line system )
Могу доћи у било ком термину који закаже еУправа - I can come at any time scheduled by EUPRAVA
Могу доћи само у термину који је после назначеног датума - I am able to come only after this date. If you click this option, additional field will show
Одаберите датум након којег можете доћи на вакцинацију (упишите датум у формату DD.MM.GGGG.) - Choose the date after which you can come for vaccination ( enter the date in the following format DD.MM.YYY)
Нисам робот - I am not a robot. You need to click on this.
Сагласан сам да овлашћено лице Института за јавно здравље Србије "Др Милан Јовановић Батут" обради наведене податке у вези са вакцинисањем против COVID-19 и предложи термин и место вакцинације. -
I agree that the authorized person of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanović Batut" will process the stated data regarding vaccination against COVID-19 and propose the date and place of vaccination.
At the end of this form, you will see two buttons - one red and the other green. The red - ОДУСТАНИ - means cancel and the green one ПОДНЕСИ ЗАХТЕВ - which means send a request. You should click on the green button if you want to send your data and get a vaccine.
After you have sent the request, you will get an SMS to the Serbian mobile phone number you filled in the form but you will also receive an e-mail with a short message that you ‘’have successfully shown interest’’ for vaccination. This confirmation e-mail or SMS is not guaranteed that you will be invited nor how fast you will be invited.
At the moment Serbia put the vaccination of foreign residents on hold. After the majority of Serbian residents are vaccinated hopefully the vaccines will be available for foreign residents again.
Serbian health authorities organized campaigns of mass immunization during which even the people ( both residents and non-residents) without any pre-registration could get the vaccine. The last one we have in the last week of March. Health authorities continue to organize these campaigns but for Serbian residents only.
When To Expect The Call ?
This is rather tricky. It depends on several factors. First of all, the foreign resident cannot get the call for vaccination before the majority of Serbian citizen are vaccinated. Another factor is the type of vaccine you chose. If you agreed to get any type of vaccine, you might get the call earlier.
In case you chose the type of vaccine that is not available at the moment you will get the call once it arrives.
What Not To Do?
- Don’t come for vaccination unless you got an appointment.
- Don’t apply as a foreign resident with a temporary residence permit unless you really have it.
- Some people rented apartments (short-term, like for one week) in Belgrade, reported to the police ( as any foreign guest has to do ), got the document which is only residence registration and went to get the vaccine. They succeeded but as that was a kind of fraud, it is no longer possible.
The Vaccination Day
You will get information both via sms and e-mail about the exact time and date for your vaccination. A document ( kind of agreement) with QR code will be sent to you via email. Please print that document and bring it with you when you come for vaccination. This document is also written in Serbian Cyrillic only but it will be partly filled with your date. Once you reach the vaccination area, the staff will help you fill the rest. You will see the empty space ( on the left side) on this document where you should put your sign.
It’s very important either to have this document or a phone with SMS as the staff will check the QR code on it and that is your ‘’entrance ticket ‘’ If you don’t have either of them, you won’t be able to get the vaccine.
Once you get in, you will first see the doctor that might ask some questions about your health status, allergies etc. After that, you the nurse will give the vaccine. Usually, the left hand is the one you get the vaccine in but if you insist it could be the right as well.
After you have received your shot, you will be asked to stay for 15 min just to make sure you don’t have any bad reaction to the vaccine. After that period you are free to go.
Usually, the day after you received the vaccine, you will get Confirmation of COVID-19 Vaccination. This document is written both is Serbian and English and confirms what type of vaccine you received and when.
What’s Next?
After you got the first dose, you should expect the call for the second one. How quick you will be called it depends on the type of vaccine but it’s about 2-10 weeks. Planning the trip for the second dose it’s much easier as you will now the exact date when you need to be in Serbia.
If you need assistance with any step you need to take to get your vaccine in Serbia, we will be happy to help with :
- Filling out the application forms
- Accommodation
- Transfers
- Guiding service
- Activities in Belgrade and Serbia
Just send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a request and we will prepare an offer or all requested services and help with details.